Duet on tiktok
Duet on tiktok

your mother i’m living my best life without her😌 Teleport stepintolove #ScienceFair #SuperlativeSmiles #LittleVoice The video received 4.1 million likes and was viewed over 24.7 million times. Some go as far to change their handles and profile pictures to make it look like they’re the other video was filmed to look like a video of a man dancing was him reacting to a video of her crying about her father leaving her family. The caption is also written from the faux duetter’s point of view, making the trick more believable.

duet on tiktok

This in turn, makes the individual in the video on the right look cruel or smug. The creator’s video is on the right side and depicts them in an emotional state.

duet on tiktok

This layout causes the viewer to believe the video on the left, which is usually of a happy or celebratory nature, is actually the creator when it is not. As of early August 2020, reverse duets, which picture the “duetter” on the right side of the video, have been making their way around the app. There is also a “switch” button which will flip the duet, so the creator is on the right.

duet on tiktok

The latest app features allow up-and-down duets, as well as a three-way split. Duets typically feature the duetter on the left side of the widescreen clip. This feature allows users to react or quite literally “duet” another TikTok by pretending to be a part of the video.

Duet on tiktok